It is your personal choice to attend this show. By entering animals and attending our show, you have indicated that you and all members of your household attending agree to abide by the following rules.
ADGA judges and the Show Secretary reserve the right to ask for removal of show participants who refuse to comply with the guidelines below. Furthermore, the show may be stopped if participants are not wearing masks, social distancing, and so on. SCDGA reserves the right to revise and/or add to these guidelines.
ADGA judges and the Show Secretary reserve the right to ask for removal of show participants who refuse to comply with the guidelines below. Furthermore, the show may be stopped if participants are not wearing masks, social distancing, and so on. SCDGA reserves the right to revise and/or add to these guidelines.
- Individuals that feel ill, have been exposed to COVID19 in the 10 days prior to the event, or are exhibiting signs of COVID19 should stay home.
- Face coverings at the show are REQUIRED. Exceptions: children under 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
- Signs will be posted to remind attendees to maintain at least a six-foot distance
- Each ring will maintain one-way traffic. Stewards will encourage exhibitors to follow the proper traffic flow and will discourage gathering at the show ring entrance.
- We will have a volunteer cleaner to regularly wipe down high-touch surfaces with a disinfectant. Please do your part in cleaning up after yourself in the bathroom. We are not cleaning professionals.
- Hand sanitizer will be located around the grounds. Please ask any member of the show committee if you need assistance finding some.
- Signs will be posted reminding everyone to wear face coverings, social distance, wash hands often, and so on.
- Secretary’s tables, judge’s areas, arena gates, and other high-touch surfaces will be wiped down with disinfectant on a regular basis.